Hergestellt im Appenzellerland | Gratisversand in die Schweiz

«Ich und mein Appenzeller Gurt» – Toto Raynal, Double Goose

Kategorie : ,

Datum : 2019

Why are you wearing Appenzeller Gurt?

I first really loved the aesthetics, and quickly learnt about the heritage and cultural aspect that go with it, as i also got interested in swiss traditions in general and Schwingen in particular. But i also wear it because of its durability and craftsmanship. I have several ones so i can swap them depending on what I wear.

What is the story behind your belt?

As i arrived to Zurich from France, my wife, who’s from Eastern Switzerland, offered me one and I was immediately hooked and started to follow Appenzeller Gurt on FB. As they organized a contest I sent a picture of my daughter sleeping on me as I was wearing the belt. That’s how we met and we never lost contact. I was able to add some belts to my collection and even had one made as my leather jacket label collaborated with Appenzeller Gurt on a custom made jacket/belt in winter 2018/2019.

Is there something you want to add?

Coming from streetwear/hip hop, i had some funny reactions from my european or american friends, like “what’s this belt with cows on it!” But i have to say that in Paris or New York i had mostly very positive comments about it! People are always curious and eager to hear the story. However, i do not possess any other kind of belt anymore and I am not planning on changing a winning team 😉

Shop Double Goose x Appenzeller Gurt

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