Produkte an Lager werden innert 1-3 Tagen, Artikel auf Bestellung ab dem 31.01.25 versendet | Mehr Infos hier



You can cancel the contract within 30 days of receipt of the goods by returning the goods with a description of the reason for the return. The return of the goods is at your responsibility and expense.

Only items that are absolutely undamaged and in perfect condition will be taken back. The items can be tried on, but worn, soiled, damaged or badly smelling products cannot be taken back. If this is not the case, we reserve the right to assert claims for compensation.

You can deduct the amount of a return item from the total amount. If the total amount has already been transferred to Appenzeller Gurt, you can choose between a voucher or a cash refund.

Returns Switzerland

Normal shipping via parcel post or maxi letter (dog collars and narrow belts). 

Appenzell belt
Schipfe 45
8001 Zurich

Please include a short message with your order if you would like an exchange of the item including new size or a refund.

International returns

We only accept international returns that have been registered with us beforehand at [email protected] and have been informed about the correct return . Otherwise, the customs and VAT costs incurred for the import into Switzerland will be passed on to the customer and deducted from the total amount.

Appenzell belt
Schipfe 45
8001 Zurich

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